
Global call to STOP funding hydropower as false climate solution


We joined together with 300 organizations from around the world to call on our global leaders to protect rivers and stop funding hydropower projects as false solutions to the climate crisis. Hydropower is neither green nor climate-neutral and has led to an alarming loss of freshwater biodiversity.

Two studies for the restoration of the Sava River and its floodplain published


Two brand-new studies for the revitalization of the Sava River and its floodplain have been published presented to key stakeholders from 19 to 22 September as part of the Sava Parks II - Freedom for Sava project: „Sava river restoration from Brežice to Rugvica“ and „Sava.Restore – Connecting the Floodplains for a Healthy Alluvial Forests”

POSTPONED: Concert for Balkans Rivers: Banja Luka

NOTICE: We regret to inform you that due to the deteriorating epidemiological situation in Banja Luka and all of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Concert for Balkan Rivers has been postponed until further notice. Postponing the concert does not mean that we are giving up the fight for our rivers!

European River Summit - November 2021: still open spots


The 2nd edition of the European Rivers Summit, held in Lisbon, has been postponed to November 18-20,2021 due to COVID19. There are still open spots so REGISTER NOW and join activists and specialists to share knowledge, network and talk about rivers protection, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. To get all further updates on the European Rivers Summit (ERS) Lisbon 2020 go to

Artists for Balkan rivers: Concert with Darko Rundek for rivers in Kraljevo/Serbia


On July 13, the famous Darko Rundek and band supported the fight to save the Kraljevo mountain rivers with a free concert, organized by the Right to Water Initiative in cooperation with the Artists for the Rivers of the Balkans within the Blue Heart campaign. About 2,000 visitors created an inspiring atmosphere at the main square in Kraljevo.

New Study: Up to 4.6 million people potentially affected by hydropower plans in the Balkans


Hydropower plants and dams have detrimental effects on river ecosystems, but they also affect people in negative ways. In a recent study, researchers from the CALTUS Institute Namibia presented a newly developed model to assess the number of people potentially affected by already operating, under construction and planned hydropower projects (HPPs) in the Balkan region.

New Alliance for the Protection of the Balkan Rivers - "Different Countries - Collective Struggle"

Under the slogan "Lets defend the Balkan Rivers", activists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia Sarajevo met in Sarajevo on Saturday, July 3, to decide on a pan-Balkan alliance for the protection of the rivers in the region. From now on, the various organizations want to work more closely together, because the issues are the same in all countries

Goldman Environmental Prize for the “Brave Women of Kruščica”

On Wednesday evening (16.00 local time), Maida Bilal received the renowned 2021 Goldman Environmental Prize on behalf of the “brave women of Kruščica”. The prize is endowed with 200,000 USD.  The Jury justified their decision on the grounds that hydropower is not green, and is one of the greatest threats to wild rivers and the people living along their banks. Maida Bilal and the other women fought for one of the last free-flowing rivers in Europe - and won.

Discovering the unknown: Science week at the Vjosa tributaries


From May 29 to June 6, a science delegation from Austria, Albania, Italy and Germany collects multidisciplinary data from the two major Vjosa tributaries Shushica and Bënça. This research week is a follow-up of a comparable undertaking at the Vjosa in 2017, which contributed substantially to our success in establishing the ecological value of the Vjosa, fending off the hydropower projects (HPP) and which led to the designation as a protected area.

Pressure continues for a Vjosa National Park as new government forms in Albania


The election may be over, but the fight for the Vjosa is not. Over the last several months, support for the Vjosa has grown tremendously in Albania, other European countries, and around the world. As a result of campaigning, Edi Rama’s government agreed to a low-level ‘nature park’ protection for the Vjosa in March - which is a good first step.

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