News - Mavrovo NP

Case against Macedonia

European Convention on Nature Conservation investigates hydropower projects in Mavorovo National Park. The Standing Committee of the Bern Convention is initiating proceedings against Macedonia due to the projected construction of hydropower plants in the Mavrovo National Park. A group of experts appointed by the Standing Committee will investigate whether the projects violate the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats.

“The last refugium of the Balkan Lynx“ in the Neue Zürcher Newspaper


In his article “The last refugium of the Balkan Lynx”, the Swiss journalist Andreas Ernst reports about the critical situation on site, the chicanery of the authorities, as well as the commitment of dam opponents...

Hydropower plant in Mavrovo National Park twice as expensive as projected

Skopje, October 21, 2014 The controversial hydropower project Boskov Most inside the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia is estimated to be twice as expensive as originally projected. This will be one of the topics discussed at today’s meeting of NGOs with members of the Board of Directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The NGOs demand the bank’s withdrawal from hydro projects in the national park.

Growing protest: nearly 100,000 against dams in Mavrovo National Park/Macedonia

Vienna, September 9, 2014. One of Europe‘s oldest national parks shall remain free of new dams. 97,804 people signed a letter of protest against two projected hydropower plants inside the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia. Today, the petition was handed over to the Macedonian Prime Minister Nicola Gruevski.

Mavrovo Petition: Help us reach 100.000 signatures!


We have already collected over 92,000 signatures for the preservation of the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia and against the two intended hydro dams inside the park. Those dam projects put the habitat of the last Balkan Lynxes at risk, along with many other species. HELP US REACH 100.000 SIGNATURES BY MONDAY! Please sign the petition and tell your friends!

Hands off Mavrovo National Park: 77,930 signatures handed over to World Bank

Vienna, Radolfzell, June 26, 2014. The World Bank Country Unit for Southeast Europe based in Vienna had unusual visitors this morning. Representatives of the environmental NGO Riverwatch handed over a letter of protest - signed by 77,930 people - against the proposed funding of a hydroelectric dam in the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia. 

PETITION: Macedonia – No Dams in Mavrovo National Park!


One of the oldest national parks in Europe is under attack. With the financial support of the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the government of Macedonia intends to have two large hydropower plants built in the middle of a national park. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND SHARE HERE!

Invitation to Mavrovo Conference in Skopje, April 10

For years, the projected construction of several hydropower plants in the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia has been a controversially discussed issue on an international level. Up to now, discussions have mostly been held behind closed doors. We would like to change that. On April 10, we will host the first public conference on the future of Mavrovo National Park at which both opponents and proponents will be speaking. We are glad to invite you to this event.

Macedonia’s Mavrovo National Park threatened by hydropower projects

Vienna, Radolfzell, 13/1/2014 One of Europe’s oldest national parks is in danger: two large hydropower plants are to be built in Macedonia’s Mavrovo National Park with the help of international funding. More than a hundred scientists protest against the funding by the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.  

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