News - Mavrovo NP

Mavrovo NP in Macedonia still at risk


After successfully preventing the construction of two big dam projects inside Mavrovo National Park – one of Europe’s oldest national parks – its rivers and creeks are still threatened by low performing hydro projects (“small hydro”). Low performing plants are being promoted under the disguise “small is beautiful”, but they are just as devastating to smaller creeks than big plants are to large rivers. There is nothing green about them, especially not within the boundaries of a national park.

Success: EBRD withdraws from hydropower project in Mavrovo National Park

++ New Hope for Balkan Rivers: EBRD withdraws from financing hydropower project in Mavrovo National Park, Macedonia ++ Success for campaign in Macedonia - this is the second decision against damming in the park, since the World Bank has refused to finance Lukovo Pole project last year. Read more...

Administrative court stops licence for hydropower plant inside Mavrovo National Park


++License granted by the Macedonian Ministry of Environment was illegal ++ Violation of national environmental law ++ Nature conservationists call upon financier EBRD to withdraw from project “Boskov Most” immediately++ According to an official statement by the Macedonian administrative court, plans for the large hydropower project Boskov Most in the Macedonian Mavrovo National Park are devoid of any legal basis.

No hydropower dams inside Mavrovo National Park!

++ Day 19 of the Balkan Rivers Tour: protest action against dam construction inside Mavrovo National Park ++ Hydropower projects endanger the last Balkan lynxes ++ On May 4, an international alliance of kayakers, anglers, residents and nature conservationists protested against the construction of hydropower plants inside Mavrovo National Park.

New hope for Balkan Rivers: World Bank drops funding for hydropower project in Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia

++ Other financiers must follow suit ++ The World Bank withdrew its funding for one of the two big hydropower projects inside MavrovoNational Park in Macedonia.  

Stage win for nature protection: Bern Convention demands provisional stop for the construction of HPPs in Mavrovo NP in Macedonia

++ EBRD and World Bank shall withdraw from projects – further assessment requested ++

New Hope for Mavrovo National Park

++ Bern Convention’s international expert commission calls for halt to hydropower development in Mavrovo National Park, Macedonia ++ EBRD and World Bank shall withdraw from financing hydropower projects in the National Park ++

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Three new insect species discovered in Macedonia

++ Previously unknown caddisfly and stonefly species discovered in Mavrovo National Park. Species endangered due to hydropower development. ++ One doesn’t have to travel to the Amazonas or descent to the depths of the sea in order to discover new species. A closer look at the Balkans is enough.

NEWS: Is the EBRD pulling out of Mavrovo NP?


Today, the Guardian published a detailed report about the situation of the Balkan Rivers. In it, the newspaper reports that the EBRD is likely to pull out of hydro project in the Mavrovo National Park in Macedonia, one of our key areas in the campaign. Read the full article which was published in the Guardian today, Feb 20: Balkan dam boom threatens Europe’s last wild waterways

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