News - Study

New report: Hydropower Tsunami in the Balkans


A new data set makes the extent of the threat to the Blue Heart of Europe visible: the dam tsunami has started to roll. Currently, about 2,800 hydropower plants are being planned between Slovenia and Greece, 187 are under construction, more than 1,000 (or 37%) are located inside protected areas. Since 2015, about 160 to 180 hydropower plants have been constructed in that region.

New Bankwatch study: European “green energy” funding for hydropower threatens pristine Balkan rivers

A wave of hydropower development fuelled by European public funding and EU companies is endangering pristine river environments in the Balkans, finds a new study by CEE Bankwatch Network released today.

Dam craze puts protected areas in the Balkans at risk


++ 113 hydropower plants projected in national parks ++ Next Sunday, on May 24th, is the “European Day of Parks” – a day to celebrate protected areas in Europe and advertise their values and benefits. However, particularly on the Balkans there is little reason to celebrate. On the contrary, a recent study shows that 535 projects  are currently planned within strict nature conservation areas, 113 of which in the midst of national parks.

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