News - Media

GEO article now ONLINE!


The September print edition of the renowned German magazine GEO featured an article about the GEO Days of Biodiversity at the Vjosa River in Albania. Now, the article went online: Europas letzter wilder Fluss Since it is only available in German read a partial translation here:  

Stab in the Blue Heart – Article in Magazine NATUR


The renowned German environmental magazine natur published a 4-page article about the dam-tsunami on the Balkan Peninsula and our campaign in the three key areas. Sorry, in German only! Stab in the Blue Heart

Balkan Rivers in World Rivers Review


The latest issue of World Rivers Review, published by the American NGO International Rivers, features an article about the Balkan Rivers. Read about their uniqueness, their beauty, their threat, and about the Blue Heart Campaign on pages 8 and 9 in „Dam Tsunami in Balkans Threatens the “Blue Heart of Europe“

Balkan Rivers in the „SPIEGEL"


The German magazine Der Spiegel published an article about the situation of the Balkan rivers. The article captures the beauty of these last wild, living rivers of Europe, as well as the threat they are facing. Find the online version here:

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