Adnan Bubalo for Balkan Rivers

Adnan Bubalo is a man who understands the speech of nature and as such one of the best landscape photographers in the Balkans. He photographed almost every part of Bosnia & Herzegovina, and in 2016 and 2017, he visited 16 European countries, moving from Turkey and Greece to the north of Norway. The beauty and uniqueness of his photos that introduce viewers to another world have been conveyed by numerous portals and magazines, including National Geographic Traveler (Spain), National Geographic USA, Digital photographer UK, DiIgital SLR photography magazine, The Weather Channel and The Huffington Post.

Find the full album in this post and read his #ArtistsForBalkanRivers statement:

“We cannot irrationally waste the currently available electricity that is produced in such a way that ecosystems around the planet experience extreme stress, and at the same time be a fighter for nature protection. By wasting energy and thus participating in an enormous increase in demand, we are doing nothing but arming those who are destroying our world. In the meantime, to this day, my Fojnica is severely endangered, numerous power plants have been installed, and in the summer months the flow on some rivers is zero. Rivers and all the ecosystems that develop from and around them represent nothing but LIFE ITSELF.So how to be against the lives of those who have not even been born yet. We must not lose that fight. The pressure on the authorities must be so strong and so persistent until permanent legal solutions are adopted that exclude any possibility of building a sHPP. Fight for every drop!”

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